Complaints - Arriva Italia - Torino
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Among the most important objectives of Arriva Torino, the listening function takes care of the attention through the management of customer reports, which integrates and enriches the detection of the level of customer satisfaction. The suggestion and the complaint represent, in fact, an important communication channel with customers, as well as constituting a fundamental contribution for the control and improvement of the quality of the service offered.

Reports regarding inefficiencies, anomalies or service irregularities, as well as any suggestions, can be sent in writing or directly to:

Arriva Torino undertakes to reply to the customer within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the report.

Arriva Torino informs its kind customers that reports without all the data in the “mandatory” fields cannot be processed.

The confidentiality of personal data transmitted to Arriva Torino is guaranteed, which is required to comply with the regulatory provisions established by Legislative Decree 196/2003.

Make a complaint

* Mandatory fields